Connecting Arches is my project for the November Island Batik challenge. The challenge was “Tool Time” and we were challenged to make a lap-size or larger quilt using a “new” tool.

I used two tools – the Creative Grids Kaleidoscope ruler and the ShapeCut Plus ruler. The Kaleidoscope ruler makes it easy to cut 45 degree isosceles triangles – which make the Kaleidoscope block. I’ve used the ShapeCut ruler before to cut strips especially for the binding. But in this project, I used it to square up blocks.
The Island Batik fabric used in the project was provided by Island Batik as part of the Island Batik Ambassador program. The ShapeCut ruler and the Kaleidoscope ruler were purchased by me and I have no affiliation with the makers or distributors of these products.

I used the Kaleidoscope ruler to cut out the 45 degree triangles. The Creative Grids rulers have a no-slip, abrasive surface on the back of the ruler. This was very useful when cutting though several layers of fabric. When using triangle or Dresden plate rulers, the rulers tend to slip slightly as I go from the base to the tip. This is probably because the blase is pressing against the ruler in both horizontal and vertical directions.

I picked a pink-purple-blue color palette and mede the center blocks that are all one color. I put them up as I the were done on my design wall. I started with a regular, traditional layout but when it was all done, it had loads of negative space and a wonky layout.

So pretty! Love those colors!
Very cool! and thanks for the technique and tips!!
Hi Vasudha! What a lot of movement this quilt has to it. It looks like a very complex design – one that is right up your alley. It’s a wonderful way to showcase these fabrics. ~smile~ Roseanne
Wow! I love how simple the block is but how dynamic it is with your design. Well done.
And thanks for linking up to TGIFF!
This is amazing!!!
Your quilt is gorgeous, that couldn’t have been easy. I love my Creative Grids ruler. Thank you for linking up to Put your foot down today.
Impressive as usual, Vasudha. I am sure that your quilting will only further enhance this spectacular beauty!!!
A very attractive design; I appreciate your giving detail of how you worked the color progression. It is an effect I like but I’ve never figured out such a smooth way to accomplish it. (If there is a difficult way to do something, I can always find it. LOL.)
These colors are done of my favorites. Lovely quilt top. Can’t wait to see it quilted.
Love the layout of your quilt!
Hi Vasudha, what a great layout for the quilt. It looks really great. Good luck with the quilting. Thanks for linking up to Free Motion Mavericks. The link up starts tomorrow and will be open for 2 weeks. You can link up as often as you like. See you soon!