Mask Marathon

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Not much quilting to show. I have been working on a secret project that I cannot show till later in the year. Other than that, it’s just working from home and making masks for family and friends.

Working from home. We had awesome weather the first few days. I was working outdoors everyday, listening to the birds, the wind, the rain and the neighbor’s lawn mower.

With everyone eating every meal at home, we’ve had elaborate lunches and dinners. My husband loves to cook and our oldest has started showing some interest this time. All of this is my husband’s work. I cook very simple meals ๐Ÿ™‚

I hope to get back to quilting and finish up a few unfinished projects next week. I hope everyone is doing well, and dealing with social distancing as well as they can.

14 thoughts on “Mask Marathon

  1. rl2b2017

    Hi Vasudha! What a beautiful place to have to work from. Oh, to hear the birds, etc. And you could be out of the rain, too?!! WOWEE! You have made quite a few masks. You’re certainly doing your part in keeping your peeps safe. {{Hugs}} Take care, my friend. Thank you for linking up. ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. Yvonne

    So lovely to be able to sit outside! We are bit too chilly for that still but soooooon! Hopefully though we’ll be back in the office before that happens but I’m not sure about that!

  3. Rebecca Grace

    First off, your backyard is gorgeous — like a tropical resort oasis! Wish I could come “work at home” at your house! :-). You have made LOTS of masks — at least two versions that I see in your photos. Is that contoured one the Olson mask pattern that has a pocket for adding a HEPA filter? Would you mind sharing which mask patterns are working best for you? My husband wants me to make some for us now that they are advising them for the general public, and I’m dreading the process after reading about how so many people have struggled through different tutorials and DIY tweaks trying to come up with something that fits, is comfortable, and fits snugly enough to make a difference from a protection standpoint.

  4. Anja @ Anja Quilts

    That’s quite a collection of masks. I haven’t had to make that many. Happy sewing. Happy Easter.

  5. Anonymous

    Beautiful pictures of your masks. The food looks delicious! Your backyard is certainly a dream. What a beautiful location to work!

  6. Needle and Foot

    It looks like you have a lovely yard and home – how wonderful to sit outside and work when the weather is nice. Good to hear you are staying productive during these surreal times and your husband looks to be a wonderful cook!!

  7. inquiringquilter

    Love the variety of masks you have made. And the fabrics! Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.


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