Inspired by my friend, Preeti Harris of SewPreeti Quilts, these are two of three quilts I plan to send to the Socorro Foundation. The Socorro foundation has a refugee shelter and education center for families seeking asylum at the southern border. Before you go further, please visit Preeti’s post on this topic here. She so eloquently says what I want to say, and nothing I say here can match her eloquence and passion. Her beautiful, bright quilts are a bonus!
For more information on donating quilts to Socorro, please visit Sarah’s blog at Confessions of a Fabric Addict or Lazy Cozy’s blog here.

This green quilt is from a block lotto I won on an online quilting forum several years ago. This was probably my first lotto to win. They are beautiful blocks but for some reason they were hidden in the far reaches of my sewing room waiting for just the right occasion. The pattern is called Nine O’Clock – it’s a free pattern from Quilter’s Cache. This block was pieced by many quilters, each at a different skill level and each with a different version of quarter inch :-). Seams don’t match but that doesn’t diminish its brightness and cheer.

I pieced this several months ago. All the squares are 2.5″ and they are leftovers from another scrap quilt project which is still unfinished. Mostly pink scraps with a few other colors thrown in. I think I took enough pictures while making this quilt to write a tutorial for it some day.
I quilted them both with straight lines – either because it is the easiest thing to do or because I’m bitten by the straight-line-quilting bug 🙂 I have another baby quilt top done and waiting to be quilted. When it’s done, all three will go to Socorro.
Hi Vasudha! Oddly enough, I couldn’t load your website earlier today but now it loaded without issue. I find that amusing. What I find lovely are your quilts! I have been inspired by Preeti as well, and didn’t know that Sarah was involved with this – which is not surprising at all. I just recently won some fabrics, and I need to commit to making some quilts for this charity as well. Preeti did a very eloquent job of telling the story and it saddens me to no end. It just HAS to stop, but these quilts can bring a spot of love and cheerfulness. Thanks for sharing your quilts with us! ~smile~ Roseanne P.S. And thanks for linking up today!
Hi! I really love your scrappy quilt. It`s so bright and lovely 🙂
Very sweet gesture of support/solidarity…and very labor intensive.
Using our (he)art as healing is the highest calling.
What a lovely thing to do. I’m sure whoever gets these quilts will cherish them.
Gorgeous quilts to pass along!
Both of those quilts (and I’m sure the next one, too) are sure to be loved!!
The quilts are beautiful. I hope you will post a tutorial on the star quilt. The children will enjoy seeing the lively colors. I was also inspired by Preeti’s post and have made a few quilt tops to donate to the Socorro Foundation, but they are not quilted yet. Hopefully, mine will be in the mail soon.
Beautiful quilts, both! That 2.5″ square big star makes me want to make one, NOW. I have a rather full tray of 2.5″ squares and I’ve been mulling over doing something with them… I, too, seem to like straight line quilting for both reasons you mention. However, it’s not as quick as one would think, especially if the lines are fairly close together! Thanks for linking up with TGIFF!
Lovely quilt tops! Wonderful way to use them too. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.
What a great bunch of quilts. And, definitely a cause I would support. Heck, almost all my quilts go to worthy causes so this isn’t something new. Thanks for sharing the info to read Preeti’s blog. Do you live near her or are you “internet” friends?
What a lovely thing to do, and beautiful quilts!!They will be so cherished. I too was moved by Preetis post and sent in a lot of pillowcases. Thank you for contributing these gorgeous quilts
Both are lovely. Thank you for linking up to Put your foot down.
As a scrappy quilter, I was drawn to your photo of the star on the linky. Both are really great quilts, and I know that they will be appreciated and well used. The star wins my heart already! I like your straight lines quilting.
Beautiful scrap quilts! The pink one especially strikes a chord with me. I like your double straight line quilting.