I call this the two hour quilt. It took me just 2 hours to make this. One hour to piece the top and one hour to quilt it and a few extra minutes to bind it. I had long gaps (days, weeks) between sewing the top and quilting and binding due to other projects with deadlines. But this quilt only too 2 hours. I think it is a great quick pattern to make a baby quilt out of bright fabric that you don’t want to cut too small.

Start with five fat quarters (about 18″ X 22″). I used a bundle of 4 FQs (blues) I had for a while and added a red-orange to give a bright contrast. Stack them up and make clean cuts on the two long edges.

Make a cut in the middle. Each stack should be around 8.5″ X 22″. The exact measurements are not important. Try to make sure the two halves are the same size.

Arrange them in a pleasing order and sew them along the long edges to make a long strip around 22″ X 40″. Repeat with the other set.

Sew the first and last piece right sides together to make a tube. Repeat with the other set. You will have two tubes.

Cut each tube into four equal parts. I was able to cut four 5″ “rings”. Your rings may be slightly larger or smaller depending on the fat quarters. Repeat with the other tube.

Turn the “rings” inside out so the right sides are facing out. Arrange them such that each rectangle of a given color starts at about half way from the beginning of the previous strip. Make sure none of the seams need to match. Using a pair of scissors, cut the top of each ring at the fold. Repeat for the other four rings.

This is what they look like when they are cut and opened out and arranged on the design wall. Sew the columns together and you are all done! Note that the steps in my quilt are not all regular. Some step down a bit more than the others. This is because I was not consistent in cutting the two sets of rings at the same points. I discovered this only after I put them up on the design wall. I interleaved the strips from the two sets so that the irregular spacing looks like it was planned :-).
This quilt measures about 36″ X 40″. I basted and quilted irregularly spaced straight lines – my current favorite. Hence the quick finish!

Along with its other two friends, this will go to the Socorro foundation. See my other post for details.
Thanks for the quick tutorial. I might have to try that one!
This is wonderful. And such fun fabrics can be used. Thank you for this tutorial.
Great time-saving technique. Nice looking quilt.
Good morning Vasudha! Wonderful quick baby quilt. Each one of the three you made for the Socorro Foundation are special and cute in their way, plus filled with extra love. ~smile~ Roseanne
All are beautiful Vasudha, but this one takes the cake for speedy and jazzy! I love it. Thanks for the tutorial.
Thanks for sharing this quick quilt with us! All three of your finishes look fantastic. Quick or scrappy, I love them all!!
Great idea for a quick quilt to make for donations. I am hoping to whip through some stash next year and this will be perfect, thank you!
This is awesome. I will have to remember this one, as I really need a few quick ones to get through some stash!
Very cute quilt with great steps. The others are lovely too.
Great quilt – and what a great way to make it!!!
Thanks for linking up today, Vasudha! ~smile~ Roseanne
Great looking quick one!
I think this part is an error, “Sew the first and last piece wrong sides together to make a tube.” Should be right sides together to make the tube. Great idea for a quick quilt!
Thanks for the correction!
Love this for a fun and quick project. Thank you so much!!!
Pingback: Two Hour Baby Quilt Free Pattern – Quilting
Pingback: Two Hour Baby Quilt Free Pattern – Quilting - Carelyst
I’m not sure what you mean by this instruction. Is it 8.5″ x 40″. I don’t understand how that can be. Is there a video of this tutorial anywhere? Thank you!
Thank you very much for catching this. It is a typo. It should be 22″ x 40″. I’ve fixed this in the post.
Sorry. Here is where I am referring to in the instructions.
Arrange them in a pleasing order and sew them along the long edges to make a long strip around 8.5″ X 40″. Repeat with the other set.
Pingback: 25 Adorable and Free Baby Quilt Patterns to Sew - NeedlesnBeadsnSweetasCanbe
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